Our Intent

We focus our intention and skills, as mental health peers and as neurodivergent individuals, on building communities designed to incubate lives experienced as worth living.

We especially invite individuals who have been discarded by society due to physical or mental differences...

...because we are the ones experiencing our lives. The buck stops with us.

Our Members

Photo of Marie Kenfak, a woman with black skin and a gentle smile, wearing a vivid red-orange hijab, against a gold mosaic background.

Marie Kenfak

I haven't been a mental patient and I only had a fifteen-minute session with a psychologist, after which she discharged me, saying that I didn't need her help.

I healed from two rapes, from 6 years of verbal and emotional abuse in a marriage, from a predator-prey relationship following that marriage, from the constant influence of a nightmare neighbor, and from the betrayal of a family member who offered to take care of my first-born while I finished my university degree...

Photo of Dana Dunlap, a woman with white skin, shoulder-length blonde hair, an open smile, and silver-rimmed glasses. She is wearing a royal blue shirt with an open collar.

Dana Dunlap

As a peer support specialist, I’ve gathered over 30 years of recovery work from various mental health challenges. I offer my experience to you—who are yearning to survive and thrive in your own way.

I’ve completely recovered from chronic childhood abuse (due to substance abuse and mental illness in the family), PTSD, severe depression, anxiety, and bipolar II disorders...

Photo of Becky Lewis, a woman with white skin and long, brown, wavy hair, cut with bangs. She has an open, laughing smile. She is wearing a blue geometric-patterned shirt with an open collar.

Rebecca Lewis (Becky)

By profession, I write and illustrate instructions for building and testing aerospace and robotics hardware. I also create knowledge sites for special projects.

I have struggled, over the years, dropping out of the workforce and then finding my way back in, multiple times. I historically attributed all of that to complex PTSD and major depression, but now I'm starting to understand a larger picture of neurodivergence...

Photo of Jane Engleman, a woman with white skin; short, blonde, straight hair, cut with bangs; and blue eyes. She is smiling and looking directly at the camera. She is wearing a dress with a geometric pattern of blue, gray, and dark green and with a wide v-neck.

Jane Engleman (Janie)

As a poet and graphic designer, I have lived in Los Angeles for forty-two years, twenty-five of them as a "client" of the U.S. mental health system.

I was raised on the Navajo Checkerboard Reservation in New Mexico. My stage name, Blancabear2Feet, derives from my rather ungainly, probably comic, dance between cultures in the Western United States...